Municipal Addressing
Addressing is an integral part of the County’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and the 911 Emergency Response System. Regular addressing updates are forwarded to the 911 control center to ensure they have the most current information and are able to effectively co-ordinate a response in all emergency situations.
Residents are responsible for installation and maintenance of their address signs.
Your rural address effectively provides an address and a house number for every residence on your property. A rural address is not the same as a legal land description (which provides a land location, but does not identify individual residences on a property) or a postal address, which directs mail through Canada Post.
Note: If you are building a house, shop or business facility you will need a rural address before you can receive utilities (gas, power, phone, etc.) service at your residence. Application for a rural address is part of the development permit process and addresses will be assigned once your driveway has been approved.
Things to Remember About Rural Addressing
Urban Addresses
How Urban Addresses Are Created
Urban style addressing is assigned for properties in the County's hamlets. Once the street names are approved by Council, house numbers are assigned to each lot. For commercial properties the address is based on what road the main access to the property is located on. In County of Wetaskiwin, where it is possible, even house numbers are located on the north and west side of the road and odd numbers are on the east and south side.Residents are responsible for installation and maintenance of their address signs.
Rural Addresses
These addresses are essentially a street address for rural residences. They can also be used for delivery of goods and services to your home.Your rural address effectively provides an address and a house number for every residence on your property. A rural address is not the same as a legal land description (which provides a land location, but does not identify individual residences on a property) or a postal address, which directs mail through Canada Post.
How Your Address is Assigned
The address is assigned based on the location of your driveway along a county road or highway. Each road is divided into 40 metre intervals which have numbers assigned to each interval. This number, in conjunction with existing road number is used to create each rural address.How it Helps You
County of Wetaskiwin has been working closely with Telus to ensure that rural addresses are tied to land line phone numbers so that when you dial 911, dispatchers will see your phone number and rural address.Note: If you are building a house, shop or business facility you will need a rural address before you can receive utilities (gas, power, phone, etc.) service at your residence. Application for a rural address is part of the development permit process and addresses will be assigned once your driveway has been approved.
What You Need to do
- Keep a copy of your rural address close to your phone.
- Keep written directions to your residence close to the phone for visitors to your home.
Where Your Rural Address Sign Should be Located
- Signs will be installed on the right hand side of the driveway by the County (where possible, or as indicated by Alberta First Call), and far enough from the shoulder to allow for snow removal.
- Must be in an obvious place next to the driveway at the property line.
- Should be clearly visible from public road (from either direction) and not obstructed by trees, buildings, etc.
Things to Remember About Rural Addressing
- If the location of your driveway changes, you must also change your rural address.
- The address is tied to the residence, not the person - If you are moving, leave your rural address sign and information for the new residents.
- If you are building a residence, shop or other facility you will need a rural address before calling Telus or utility companies for installations.
- The driveway/approach needs to be installed in order for us to provide an address.
Address Inquiries
The following information is required to get a new address or confirm an existing address:- Legal land description (e.g. SW 16-52-21-W4 or Lot, Block, Plan)
- Tax roll number