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Road Use Agreements
Road infrastructure in the County of Wetaskiwin is intended for public use and the County of Wetaskiwin recognizes that business and industry (resource/extraction) rely upon road infrastructure. At times, demands placed upon roads by truck traffic often exceed the capacity of the roads, which can damage the roadway and render it unsafe.
As of June 1, 2023, Roadata Services is now providing Road Use Agreements on behalf of the County of Wetaskiwin. Please contact Roadata Services directly at permits@roadata.com or 1-888-830-7623.
County of Wetaskiwin’s Road Use Agreement Policy is aimed at preserving road infrastructure while minimizing publicly-funded maintenance costs and protecting the safety of all road users. Therefore, Road Use Agreements are required from business and industry (resource/extraction) that create traffic loads with a potential of causing damage to our roads. The County monitors these roads and ensures that Road Use Agreements are enforced to prevent problems that may arise such as road damage.
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- Ag Commodity
- Concrete Pumpers
- Fiber Optic
- Gravel, Sand or Shale Pits
- Industry (Resource/ Extraction)
- Log Haul
- Septic (Sewage) Hauler
- Water Well Drillers
Agricultural producers (including commercial manure hauler) can travel at 90% legal axle weights on roads that are restricted to a 75% spring road ban without obtaining a permit as per the Road Protection By-Law, Section 6.0 Exemptions, Item 6.6.
Agricultural producers wanting to travel above the 90% legal axle weights will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
Road Use Agreements are site specific and valid for trip in & out of location as concrete pumper trucks are unable to run below 100% axle weights. Some of the roads within the County have annual road bans therefore requiring an RUA & permit to move above these bans during non-ban times.
Prior to project commencement, operators will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
Road Use Agreements are site/project specific and have specific time frame.
Oil Companies/Land Agents must submit a letter of application to the Public Works Department for project approval and pay fees as per the Fees & Charges Bylaw, along with a detailed survey referencing sight line distances.
Prior to project commencement, operators will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
Road Use Agreements are site specific and must be renewed annually. You will need to have a valid development permit as well & remit the Community Aggregate Payment Levy as per the Bylaw. Click here to view the development page for details regarding development permits.
Prior to project commencement, operators will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
Road Use Agreements are site specific and have specific clauses requiring these companies to ensure safety of motorists utilizing the infrastructure. Industry includes companies using County roads to access well sites, pipelines, seismic operations, integrity digs and soil hauls.
Oil Companies/Land Agents must submit a letter of application to the Public Works Department for project approval and pay fees as per the Fees & Charges Bylaw, along with a detailed survey referencing sight line distances.
Prior to project commencement, companies will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
More Information
Concerns regarding damage to the roads caused by heavy traffic can be reported to the Protective Services Department 780-352-0005, or Public Works Department at 780-361-6221.
Road Use Agreements are site specific and time sensitive which will allow winter weights when the province is allowing winter weights.
Prior to project commencement, operators will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
The County has 3 offloading facilities, Mulhurst Lagoon, Westerose Lift Station, Alder Flats Lagoon which are locked gates and require access codes to enter the facilities.
Road Use Agreements are set up per offloading facility and must be renewed annually. An Authorized Carrier Agreement that defines substance parameters allowed at these facilities will also be completed.
Prior to project commencement, operators will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).
Note: Only wastewater (sewer) from County of Wetaskiwin residents will be accepted.
Road Use Agreements are site specific and valid for trip in & out of location as the water drilling rigs are unable to run below 100% axle weights. Some of the roads within the County have annual road bans therefore requiring an RUA & permit to move above these bans during non-ban times.
Prior to project commencement, operators will be required to sign a Road Use Agreement & obtain a permit from Roadata Services (888-830-7623).