
The County of Wetaskiwin owns and operates water systems in Gwynne, Cavallo Ridge (Dorchester Ranch), Mulhurst Bay and Winfield.

The County also provides contract service for maintenance and operation at Sunset Harbour and Village Lane Condos.

Bulk water sales are only available in the Hamlet of Gwynne. 

  1. Annual Hydrant flushing program
  2. Household Water Maintenance
  3. Working Near Water Lines
  4. Water Results

The County completed annual hydrant flushing within the Hamlet of Winfield. 

Notifications will be posted around the Hamlet, on the County website and via Facebook the week prior to flushing commencing.

Typically, flushing lasts for the duration of 1 week, and is completed during the hours of 9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.

You may use the water but if you notice crew working on a hydrant in your area, try to avoid using your water during that time. Avoid doing laundry during this time, as the water may change the colors of white clothing.

Water will remain safe to drink however, flush cold water for at least 5 minutes until it runs clear. It’s best to run the water in the bathtub, as there is more pressure, and more water is released. Try to limit running water out of one fixture.