What Can I Do?
Keeping Track of Elm Trees
Monitor the condition of the your elm trees.
Watch for these symptoms of Dutch Elm Disease:
- Drooping and yellowing leaves in summer
- Branches with smaller leaves than rest of the tree
- Branches with no leaves
- Brown wilted leaves that remain on the tree
Apart from being ideal breeding material for the beetles, elm firewood is especially problematic as it is easily and often transported from place to place. It is in this way that the beetles and DED are most readily transported long distances.
Because DED can be carried on elm firewood, provincial regulations prohibit storage, transport and sale of elm firewood. So if you go camping, please do not transport firewood.
Pruning and Disposing of Elm Wood
Prevention of Dutch Elm Disease starts by keeping elm trees healthy. Prune all dead wood that provides beetle habitat. Pruning of healthy elms, however, should only be done during the winter season when the beetles which are attracted to fresh tree wounds are not active (October 1 to March 31).
Did you know?
Edmonton has one of the largest concentrations of uninfected American elms left in the world.