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Council Meetings
The County of Wetaskiwin welcomes everyone to attend Council Meetings. It's a great way to see local governance in action and understand decision-making processes. Our meetings are open to the public, promoting transparency and community involvement.
- Council meets every two weeks, on Tuesday in Council Chambers at County Administrative Building (243019A Highway 13, across from the Reynold's Alberta Museum).
- All meetings to commence at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
- Upcoming meeting can be viewed in the calendar below. The agenda is published to the website on the Thursday before the meeting.
Tips for attending in-person:
- Arrive Early: To avoid disruptions, we encourage you to arrive before the meeting starts.
- Seating: Public seating is available inside the Council Chambers doors, offering a clear view of the proceedings.
Upcoming Council Meeting Information:
Next Meetings - Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Meeting link
Meeting ID: 212 752 079 007
Passcode: Ft2zg34m
Tips for attending online:
- No Account Needed: You don’t need a Teams account to join the meeting. On a laptop, you can use the Teams app or join through a browser (Chrome, Edge, etc.). On a phone, you may need to download the Teams app.
- Audio and Video: When you enter the meeting, please ensure you are muted and your video is off.
- Speaking at the Meeting: You can address council if you are a delegation or speaking during a public hearing. Use the raise hand function if you wish to speak, and the Reeve will call on you. At that time, your mic and video will be turned on.
Closed to the public are part of Council Meetings for discussing confidential matters as per the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. No resolutions are made and no minutes or notes are taken during closed sessions. Any direction provided by Council must be provided in the open session.
- Only Council and Management Team members can remain.
- Others, including Administration, public, and media, must leave.
- Livestreams and recordings are paused or stopped.
Public Hearings are a fundamental part of our democratic process, providing a formal opportunity for residents to express their views on proposed bylaws and resolutions. These hearings are crucial for Council to gather public input before making decisions.
Public Hearing are advertised in accordance with the Public Notification and Advertising Bylaw.
Public Participation:
- Open to anyone with an interest in the proposed bylaw.
- Held during Regular Council Meetings in Council Chambers.
- Advertised for two weeks before the hearing.
- Oral and written submissions accepted at the hearing without prior notice.
To be included on the Council agenda as a delegation, submit a written request and materials to the Office of the CAO. Requests must be received at least seven (7) days before the meeting. If additional research is needed, the delegation will be scheduled for the next available meeting after the research is completed.
Public Comment Submission:
The public may submit comments regarding agenda matters before the meeting/public hearing. Comments submitted will be considered as public information and entered into public record.
Agendas and Minutes
Please see calendar below for dates and times of council meetings. Pursuant to Section 196(2) of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26, 2000, Council meeting dates will also be posted in the County Administration Building.
For historical minutes not listed in calendar above, please contact the County office.