A fire ban is an order issued by the provincial government and / or the County of Wetaskiwin to restrict the use of fire in areas of high hazard. The order describes what types of fire are allowed or may in fact entirely prohibit the use of any fire.
Minimizing the Risk of Accidental Wildfires
As the wildfire hazard climbs in areas of the province, local wildfire management areas make recommendations to the Minister of Sustainable Resource Development to initiate an order to implement a fire ban. This is a tool to attempt to minimize the risk of accidental wildfires resulting from human activity. The ministerial order is a temporary law in effect until it is revoked when the wildfire hazard has sufficiently lowered.
Ban Notices
A complete list of Provincial Fire Bans can be found by visiting the Alberta Fire Bans website. If in doubt, call the County office at 780-352-3321.