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County of Wetaskiwin News

Posted on: March 8, 2023

[ARCHIVED] Public Hearing: Proposed Dock Policy

Public Hearing - Dock

Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 passed a Resolution to hold a Public Hearing for the purposes of conducting public consultation regarding a draft Dock Policy to allow for the seasonal installation and storage of docks and other mooring structures. 

The purpose of the Policy is to establish a set of requirements regarding where and when seasonal docks and other mooring structures may be placed in front of, connected to, or stored on County property, as well as to recognize and incorporate the Provincial Dock Standards.

A copy of the draft Policy can be viewed here

Before proceeding further with the Policy, at the Public Hearing, Council will hear from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed Policy and may ask questions or make their views known, via written submission, email, or attending in person. Written submission can be mailed to the County Office, or email.

The Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at the County Administration Office, located 2.4 kilometres west of Wetaskiwin on Highway 13, at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 2023.

Members of the public have the option to attend virtually. For individuals wishing to attend in person virtually, please contact Jeff Chipley, Assistant CAO, at 780-387-6043 (cell) or email in order to make arrangements prior to the meeting.

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