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The original item was published from 10/20/2022 9:03:26 AM to 10/27/2022 12:00:00 AM.

News Flash


Posted on: October 18, 2022

[ARCHIVED] Application for Agricultural Service Board Member

Seeking Ag Service Board Member

The County Agricultural Service Board requires (1) farm member from the general public to serve in the following position:

  • One (1) member, for the area from Secondary Highway 771 west to the County of Wetaskiwin boundary (Divisions 6 & 7).

The Agricultural Service Board Act states that the Agricultural Service Board duties are:

  • to act as an advisory body and to assist the County Council and the Minister of Agriculture, in matters of mutual concern,
  • to advise on and to help organize and direct weed and pest control and soil and water conservation programs,
  • to assist in the control of animal disease under the Animal Health Act,
  • to promote, enhance and protect viable and sustainable agriculture with a view to improving the economic viability of the agricultural producer, and
  • to promote and develop agricultural policies to meet the needs of the municipality.

The Agricultural Service Board will consist of:

  • Three (3) farm members from the general public, along with four (4) County of Wetaskiwin Councillors, appointed at the Annual Organizational Meeting and will meet no less than four (4) times annually.

For consideration to be appointed to the Agricultural Service Board, the farm member must:

  • Apply to Council to become a member;
  • Be an active agricultural producer in the County of Wetaskiwin;
  • Reside in the agricultural zone of the County of Wetaskiwin in which they are applying to represent;
  • Be familiar with current agricultural issues and practices; and
  • Be deemed qualified by Council to recommend policies that are consistent with the requirements of the Agricultural Service Board Act.

Remuneration shall be paid in accordance with County Council Policy. If you are interested in the above position, please provide a resume to the undersigned by October 26, 2022.

Stephen Majek, CAF, Director of Agricultural Services
County of Wetaskiwin No. 10
Box 6960
Wetaskiwin, AB. T9A 2G5

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