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The original item was published from 1/27/2016 1:48:28 PM to 5/11/2016 1:24:26 PM.

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County of Wetaskiwin News

Posted on: January 27, 2016

[ARCHIVED] Notice to Residents with Pump Out Sewage Systems in the Alder Flats Area

At the December 8, 2015 Council for Public Works meeting, Council approved the Water and Sewer Rates By-law 2015/62 which included a $30 per truckload fee for bulk sewage being delivered to any County of Wetaskiwin operated lagoon or dump station, which includes the Alder Flats Lagoon.

Effective January 1, 2016, costs associated with the treatment of septage is to be billed directly to Septage Haulers. Notice was sent out advising that each bulk septage load delivered to a County operated lagoon or dump station would be charged a $30 fee, for full or partial loads, collected within the County from residents. Advertisements were placed in the County pages of the Pipestone Flyer and on the County website in December 2015 advising residents of this change.

Furthermore, the County suspended the $30 fee to Septage Haulers utilizing the Mulhurst Bay Lagoon, until the Westerose Lift Station and Truck Dumping Station commences operation due to delays in completion of the project. However, this suspension applies only to the Mulhurst Bay Lagoon, and the $30 per truckload fee still remains in effect for the Alder Flats Lagoon.

The link below to Questions & Answers information is intended to provide and clarify details regarding the changes to wastewater services within the County of Wetaskiwin, including the implementation of a Bulk Septage Load Fee.

If you have further questions after reading the Q&A Summary, please contact CAO Frank Coutney at 780-361-6223 or Assistant Director of Public Works Brian Anderson at 780-361-6244 or using our toll-free line 1-800-661-4125.

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