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The original item was published from 3/2/2016 3:50:00 PM to 7/14/2016 2:16:23 PM.

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County of Wetaskiwin News

Posted on: March 2, 2016

[ARCHIVED] Enhancing Communication and Engagement for Ratepayers

Council has approved a new Communications Plan that will enhance the County’s information sharing and communications approaches.

In August 2015, the County reached out to its residents with a survey regarding Communicating with the County. Reeve Kathy Rooyakkers advised “Council wanted a means to gauge satisfaction with current channels to share information and communicate and solicit input on the best channels to move forward.”

From the 1268 survey responses, the County heard residents are, for the most part, satisfied with its information sharing and communications activities. They agree that the information the County shares with them is relevant and important. They value traditional methods of information sharing and communication and are seeking some specific digital options to supplement them. They placed greater emphasis on communications tools that are concise and summarize or highlight key information that residents need to know and explain how it affects them. They expressed preferences for information flyers, newspapers and newsletters. They also expressed interest in channels to improve the flow of communication back from residents to County and Administration. Residents want to be able to provide feedback and have interactions where they can raise concerns and have them addressed. There is interest in creating regular, scheduled opportunities to engage with Council face-to-face to learn about and provide feedback on County priorities, policies, issues and budgetary plans.

When it comes to the content shared and sought by the County, residents want to receive information and communicate about issues and opportunities, community priorities, and community services levels.

The three-year Communication plan focuses on improved communication through current channels, including newspaper, website, newsletter, information flyer, and Interplan (Strategic & Financial Reporting), the addition of electronic access to the semi-annual resident newsletter, scheduled open conversation opportunities with Council, and digital engagement via social media. Watch the County Pages of the Pipestone Flyer Newspaper and the County website for updates on these communication and engagement opportunities.

“Council is very grateful to everyone that took the time to complete the survey”, noted Reeve Kathy Rooyakkers. “Your input provided necessary information for Council and Administration to identify priority actions to enhance two-way communication, creating a higher level of opportunity for citizens to engage in municipal decision making”.

The Communication Plan, Workshop Overview, and Survey Summary Report can be accessed below.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Communications Officer Sharon Radis via email or by telephone 780-361-6220.

Communication Survey Final Reports
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