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Assessment Complaints
Filing a Complaint
Your complaint may be about any of the following, as shown on the Assessment Notice.
Feel free to contact the assessors about:
- Assessment amount
- Assessment class
- Whether the property or business is exempt from taxation under Part 10 of the Municipal Government Act
- A description of a property
Contact the Tax Clerk about:
- School support declaration
- Name or mailing address of an assessed person
Step 1: Review
You have 60 days from when the Assessment Notice is mailed to review your assessment:
- Are the details correct, for example your name, address, or school support declaration?
- Does the property classification (residential, non-residential, or farm) correctly describe
your property? - Is the assessment value a reasonable estimate of the typical market value of your property as of July one of the previous year?
- Is your assessment equitable with others in your neighbourhood? Check comparable properties within your neighbourhood or in person at the County of Wetaskiwin Administrative Office. When comparing your property take
into consideration structure, size, age, quality, condition, and location.
Step 2: Contact
After reviewing your Assessment Notice any questions or concerns may be referred to the County of Wetaskiwin Assessors. They can be contacted by phone or email. As a property owner, you are entitled to access or receive sufficient information about your property and a summary of any assessment in accordance with sections 299 and 300 of the Municipal Government Act.
To receive this information you must submit a request in writing directly to the assessment department. Request forms can be filled out online, emailed, faxed, or mailed to the assessors at the County of Wetaskiwin Administrative Office.
Request Information
Request information is available online.
Step 3: Complaints
Provincial legislation and County bylaws outline how complaints must be made. After discussing your concerns with an assessor, if you are still not satisfied, you have the right to file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board.
To file a complaint, complete a complaint form and submit it, along with the correct filing fee. Complaints must be processed on or before the final date for complaint on the front of the assessment notice, or the complaint is not valid. The fee is refunded when the board makes a decision in your favour.
Filing Fees (cheques payable to County of Wetaskiwin):
- Residential 3 or fewer dwellings - $50 per complaint
- Residential 4 or more dwellings - $250 per complaint
- Non-Residential - $250 per complain
Complaint Forms
The complaint form, as well as the agent authorization form (PDF), are to be filled out and returned to the Assessment Review Board Clerk. An agent may not file a complaint or act for an assessed person or taxpayer at a hearing unless the assessed person or taxpayer has prepared and filed an Assessment Complaints Agent Authorization Form with the Assessment Review Board Clerk.
What is an Assessment Review Board?
The Assessment Review Board is usually a one- to three-member board responsible for hearings and rulings on assessment complaints. The board ensures that the complainant (the taxpayer) and the assessor receive a fair and impartial hearing. The board hears evidence to determine if a property has been valued or classified correctly, or to determine if exemptions were properly applied.
Board members are appointed by County Council and the province. Get more information on Assessment Review Boards online.
Contact Us
ARB Clerk