August 6, 2024
Bus leaves Millet at 7:30 AM.
Roy Berg Kinsella Research Ranch
Main Street, Township Road 465, Kinsella, AB T0B 2N0
Kinsella Ranch Tour
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
The Roy Berg Kinsella Research Ranch is a state-of-the-art livestock handling facility and home to ~850 head of cattle that graze rotationally.
Join in to take a tour and learn about ongoing projects at the ranch, including virtual fencing, continuous versus rotational grazing projects and its effects, living labs and much more. Lunch included and everyone welcome!
A bus is departing from Millet at 7:30 a.m. for any participants who wish to travel with the group, or meet at the ranch at 9:00 a.m.
To catch the bus, arrive by 7:15 am at the Millet Heavy Truck Parking lot, east of 50th street.
Please pre-register by July 24.