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County of Wetaskiwin News

Posted on: October 30, 2020

[ARCHIVED] Local Improvement Updates

Local Improvement South Pigeon Lake Wasterwater Update

At the October 13, 2020 Council General meeting, Council accepted the petition for local collection lines from Grandview Meadows and directed Administration to begin the next steps of the process.  This will involve tendering out for the construction of the required infrastructure, which is anticipated to occur in Winter 2020. The County hopes to see construction completed by Spring 2021.

At the October 27, 2020 Council General meeting, Council was advised that petitions for local collection lines in Patterson Estates and Woodfield Estates had not received enough signatures to meet legislative requirements. Council has directed Administration not to move forward with these projects at this time.

At the same meeting, Council was advised that the petition for local collection lines in Village West had also not received enough signatures to legislatively require Council to take action. However, under the Municipal Government Act, Council may still choose to enact the local improvement plan. Council chose to do so and has directed administration to begin the next steps of the process. According to the Municipal Government Act, residents in Village West shall have thirty (30) days from being notified of Council's resolution to petition against the plan. For the petition to be successful, 2/3 of residents will need to sign the petition. If any residents in Village West wish to sign this petition, please either come in to the County Office or contact Jeff Chipley, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, or Ben Cowan, Municipal Intern.

Informational Bulletins advising of Council's decisions have also been sent out to all impacted residents

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